Mum, has created a site which covers various subjects which are important and of intreast too her its a brilliant site and I reccommended checking it out.Check it out here:
Thursday, 29 January 2009
My Mum's New Website!
Well,today's reccomended website is a great new website from my Mum.
Mum, has created a site which covers various subjects which are important and of intreast too her its a brilliant site and I reccommended checking it out.Check it out here:
Mum, has created a site which covers various subjects which are important and of intreast too her its a brilliant site and I reccommended checking it out.Check it out here:
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My Mum,
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Monday, 12 January 2009
Want To Try A Chocolatey Blog?
Hi its Stuwieben here-If you a fan of chocolate then you may want to check out this site I came across. Its the What a tasty website. Its got reviews and news on chocolates and places to buy chocolates too. I also like the very nice looking chocolate related pictures that they have around the site. A great blog for you chocolate fans.
(yeah more spinning Mars Bars back on the blog!)
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Thank You Blogger,GRRRRRRRRRR to Flash and Microsoft
Well Google really pleased me here on Blogger because I was writing a post here on Blogged On Internet that was I think (646 words long-thanks Open Writer Word Count) when Internet Explorer decided to shut down (after doing it a couple of times today)and get me to lose all the tabs I had open including the post that I had open for the blog I mentioned-and even though I had added more since I last saved when I logged on to Blogger-I found my post had been saved- so I'm very grateful Blogger Thank You! Thanks for your great Saving System, Very Handy.As anyone found Flash to be very on the Error side. The last few days its made an error sometimes a couple of times a day. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix Flash when it's not so flash? It seemed to be coming up with errors and crashing the computuer even when I didn't think it was been used on a website. And I found if I clicked on say Photobucket in the editing a image part-when I clicked on a button in the making images part, Flash seemed to be causeing the website to go really slow and crash which was annoying as I like to use Photobucket for image creations. The Flash has been upgraded now to the newest version so hopefully that makes a differance and not slow down the internet so much but its still not been working right with Photobucket, if anyone knows anything that may help fix it, please let me know.
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thanks blogger
Is It Time To twitter?
Hi. This post I wanted to write after I read in The Sun(there are other newspapers available but not as good as them) about a website they did an article about. So Thanks to them for covering a story on it.Right,so today's post on Blogged On Internet , I wanted to mention twitter as the site I meant. Some of you may know what that is and some off you may be thinking, what? Well for those of you unaware, twitter is a website, which I think counts as a Social Networking Site, but it has some noticeable differences though. I mean for example, with your facebook and myspace, you may find that some may post an update once daily,some maybe more often, some less often. I have not seen very often at all people make another post just a few minuets after their last one. Well with twitter, I have found this to be different. Take the example the Sun Reporter used with Stephen Fry's Twitter Page. Stephen had made various comments about his day and what he had been doing (witty and interesting as you might except from Stephen,recommend checking his out) within the space of a couple of hours. Now on facebook there may be the 'Status Update' option which some may use to express a feeling or mood or maybe what they have/are doing. This can be a good feature. But on twitter using a smiler system to this, there is a box that can be filled(seems it may be limited to a certain amount of characters-I believe 140- where you can express the answer to this question-What Are You Doing?You may want to give your feelings abut what you are doing, it can be made more or less personnel, that's what you can decide on. Its got a very simple to use interface, there may not be as many features as the likes of myspace, bebo and facebook, but then I expect that might be the point, to keep it simple with the main idea been updating 'What You Are Doing Now'. And also finding out What Other's Are Doing Now. Yes, because you can choose to follow other people's updates, by doing so there postings can then be added to your homepage to be read. A bit like 'The Wall' on facebook. So far I have added to my 'following' list- Stephen Fry and A blog on Chocolates. I don't know how many people are on their yet, but apparently, more and more people have been signing up to them as the years have gone by since 2006 when I believe they started according to The Sun. Maybe there's some posts on there you may find really interesting, maybe you want to follow what someone is telling twitter users about their day. Maybe their is a celebrity on their you may want to follow their updates. I don't know all the famous people on their but perhaps you may find someone you like. I found Kylie Minogue who posted 1 update so far. A word of warning as with all these kind of sites, try to find out if they are who they say they are when finding people, keep in mind they may not be the actual person they say they are as sometimes like I have found on myspace some people have had a habit of putting there name down as a famous celebrity who they may not be.
Well having only just joined twitter myself the other day (stuwieben, if you wanna twitter me-is that the phrase? well if you want to follow my updates anyway) I have only made a few updates myself, but I look foward to using this site more and have a feeling it may be one to take note of.
Well having only just joined twitter myself the other day (stuwieben, if you wanna twitter me-is that the phrase? well if you want to follow my updates anyway) I have only made a few updates myself, but I look foward to using this site more and have a feeling it may be one to take note of.
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Saturday, 10 January 2009
Lotto Scam Update
You may be aware of this one but incase you are not here is what I belive to be another lottery scam-Only give your details if you are sure they are a respectable company-otherwise do not give them your details!!!!!!!
One from a company with the web address called ''
Look for this as an email header:
If you are unsure if the email you have is a scam or not please feel free to email me and ask to see a copy of the one I got. This turned up in my Yahoo email and as far as I am aware its a scam. However, if I am mistaken and you know this is not a scam (please provide an explanation) or if you also think its a scam please feel free to let us know to help other people not enter themselves into a scam lottery. I also got another email which in my Yahoo which I belive to be a scam, but I may need to do a bit more finding out about this one, not so sure about the company, but if I may post here if I have found it to be a scam or not.
One thing I have noticed is for some reason I seem to have got the Scam Lottery emails in my Yahoo account Inbox far more then my MSN or Google ones.
One from a company with the web address called ''
Look for this as an email header:
If you are unsure if the email you have is a scam or not please feel free to email me and ask to see a copy of the one I got. This turned up in my Yahoo email and as far as I am aware its a scam. However, if I am mistaken and you know this is not a scam (please provide an explanation) or if you also think its a scam please feel free to let us know to help other people not enter themselves into a scam lottery. I also got another email which in my Yahoo which I belive to be a scam, but I may need to do a bit more finding out about this one, not so sure about the company, but if I may post here if I have found it to be a scam or not.
One thing I have noticed is for some reason I seem to have got the Scam Lottery emails in my Yahoo account Inbox far more then my MSN or Google ones.
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