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Saturday, 10 January 2009

Lotto Scam Update

You may be aware of this one but incase you are not here is what I belive to be another lottery scam-Only give your details if you are sure they are a respectable company-otherwise do not give them your details!!!!!!!

One from a company with the web address called ''

Look for this as an email header:

If you are unsure if the email you have is a scam or not please feel free to email me and ask to see a copy of the one I got. This turned up in my Yahoo email and as far as I am aware its a scam. However, if I am mistaken and you know this is not a scam (please provide an explanation) or if you also think its a scam please feel free to let us know to help other people not enter themselves into a scam lottery. I also got another email which in my Yahoo which I belive to be a scam, but I may need to do a bit more finding out about this one, not so sure about the company, but if I may post here if I have found it to be a scam or not.
One thing I have noticed is for some reason I seem to have got the Scam Lottery emails in my Yahoo account Inbox far more then my MSN or Google ones.


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