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Deja Vu? If you think you may have read a post on this blog on one of my other blogs I can explain. Some of my posts are pecificly inline with the blog's topic it's appearing on, however some cross over to other blog's topics so I publish them their too.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Myspace 'Pure Music' Social Networking Site

You may of seen that social networking website myspace has been made into a 'Pure Music' website so that the uploaded content is now only on music. While in some ways I am thinking they want to focus their user uploaded content to music, I liked the fact that they offered other user generated content to be showcased such as comedy and types of film and they do still have other video content uploaded. I have been a bit of a twitterer and a facebooker of recent weeks(I mean I have been on both facebook and twitter of recent weeks more then other social networking sites, but I am a fan of some of the myspace features and have got back to using them too. They have some great new features such as Daily Charts for the uploaded videos. I think their shaping up as a very good user generated video website with its ideas. If you haven't got into myspace you may want to take a look 

Yes, I have been thinking of layout ideas for this blog like for example some graphical elements.


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